I guess it has been a while since I last posted on my blog. I think this is a good indication of how time feels here. Sevilla almost feels like home now. I think this can be attributed to the strong sense of community I have with the other exchange students. We have all grown very close since we've been here; we are united by a small subconscious sense of trepidation I think.
The other night I posed this question to the tappas table, "If you had to pick one city to live in for the next 2 years, which city would you select?" Nearly everyone said they'd live here! This may be a bit pre-mature on our parts but it does demonstrate the bond and at least infatuation we have with the city.
I met up with the Spanish girl from the other weekend this past Saturday night. She showed me and my friends a new little cluster of bars on Calle Alfalfa. She was fun to hang out with, but she is what some would call a chain-smoker. She is also a bit crazy I think. I think we will just be friends and she did offer to tutor me in Spanish if I needed the help. I may need to take her up on that offer later this semester.
I met another girl through a mutual friend named Julia who has been very fun to hang out with. She has a room mate named taylor who is also an interesting person. Together they are quite the pair.
On sunday night, my friend Scott, Taylor, Julia, Carey, Alicia, Marc and I went out to a bar. Once we had settled in and bought a drink we began to observe some interesting details about the bar. I am almost certain we were hanging out in a gay bar. We had fun because everyone was dancing and the music was ok.
Started class yesterday. I am taking: Spanish Art History, Spanish 201, History of Spain, and Ecology of Iberia. I think they will all prove to be very interesting and a bit challenging too. I want to try and be very promptly about turning in and completing school work so it doesn't interfere with traveling or my social life.
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